O P E N I N G   H O U R S
Monday-Friday 12-18
Saturday 11-16
Sundays* 13-16*

Sunday May 19th C L O S E D
Monday May 20th 13-17

Sunday MAY 26th 13-16
 Sunday JUNE 2nd 13-16
Sunday JUNE 9th 13-16
Sunday JUNE 16th 13-16
Sunday JUNE 23rd 13-16 
Sunday JUNE 30th 13-16 
Sunday JULY 7th C L O S E D 
Sunday JULY 14th C L O S E D
Sunday JULY 21th 13-16

*/To book appointment outside  
opening hours:
Go through the C H A T:
Find the icon in bottom left corner 
of the website.  

St Kongensgade 5  |  1264 Copenhagen K

Mail to othmar@mail.dk